SW Florida Journal (November/December 2021)

Yoga on the lanai this morning—and for the first time in months, it wasn’t HOT yoga. Is winter coming, after all?
It’s good to see my snowbird friends again. They are all smiles about being back in Southwest Florida. Their happiness reminds me why I stay here all year long.
Some hard-fought tennis this afternoon, followed by some tropical refreshments at the tiki bar. It was enough to take away the agony of defeat.
I was behind the big WoW (Wildlife on Wheels) trailer crossing the causeway today. It makes me proud to be a Ding Darling supporter, knowing how hard they work to spread the word.
There’s no putting it off—Thanksgiving is almost here. What’s on the menu this year?
I think we’re going full-on traditional this year—turkey and all the trimmings, with a little mango chutney to remind us we are in the subtropics, after all.
We’ve recovered from the big feast, but a long, long walk on the beach is definitely part of the fitness routine to erase a few of those holiday calories.
And, just like that, the halls are decked with boughs of holly and we’re all doing our best to be jolly. The holidays march on, ready or not.
It’s time to escape out on the water. Smooth sailing to Cayo Costa—where the only sign of the holidays is a piece of driftwood that a creative beachcomber has decorated with seashell ornaments.
Downtown Fort Myers never fails to entertain—people parading their pets (some abiding the indignity of wearing tiny antlers), neon-lit bikes nosing through the partying pedestrians, and the smell of a good pizza wafting over the scene.
I’m still bedazzled by the gazillion twinkling lights that decorate the homes and gardens along McGregor Blvd. Every year the wonderland seems to get bigger and better.
Last night the coyotes—right behind my house—were going bonkers, howling their lungs out over some disturbance. Little P was dying to get out, but not going to happen. It could end tragically, I’m afraid.
In his zeal to clean up all the giftwrap detritus, M managed to throw out an actual present. Oops.
A quote I like to remember at this time of year from writer Oren Arnold on gift suggestions: “To your enemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, a good example. To yourself, respect.”
Yoga on the lanai this morning—and for the first time in months, it wasn’t HOT yoga. Is winter coming, after all?
It’s good to see my snowbird friends again. They are all smiles about being back in Southwest Florida. Their happiness reminds me why I stay here all year long.
Some hard-fought tennis this afternoon, followed by some tropical refreshments at the tiki bar. It was enough to take away the agony of defeat.
I was behind the big WoW (Wildlife on Wheels) trailer crossing the causeway today. It makes me proud to be a Ding Darling supporter, knowing how hard they work to spread the word.
There’s no putting it off—Thanksgiving is almost here. What’s on the menu this year?
I think we’re going full-on traditional this year—turkey and all the trimmings, with a little mango chutney to remind us we are in the subtropics, after all.
We’ve recovered from the big feast, but a long, long walk on the beach is definitely part of the fitness routine to erase a few of those holiday calories.
And, just like that, the halls are decked with boughs of holly and we’re all doing our best to be jolly. The holidays march on, ready or not.
It’s time to escape out on the water. Smooth sailing to Cayo Costa—where the only sign of the holidays is a piece of driftwood that a creative beachcomber has decorated with seashell ornaments.
Downtown Fort Myers never fails to entertain—people parading their pets (some abiding the indignity of wearing tiny antlers), neon-lit bikes nosing through the partying pedestrians, and the smell of a good pizza wafting over the scene.
I’m still bedazzled by the gazillion twinkling lights that decorate the homes and gardens along McGregor Blvd. Every year the wonderland seems to get bigger and better.
Last night the coyotes—right behind my house—were going bonkers, howling their lungs out over some disturbance. Little P was dying to get out, but not going to happen. It could end tragically, I’m afraid.
In his zeal to clean up all the giftwrap detritus, M managed to throw out an actual present. Oops.
A quote I like to remember at this time of year from writer Oren Arnold on gift suggestions: “To your enemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, a good example. To yourself, respect.”