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Cape Coral Living Magazine

Cheers! to New Priorities in 2023

Jan 13, 2023 04:00PM ● By Daniela J. Jaeger

Photo courtesy of TOTI Media, Inc.

Wow, it’s 2023! Have you already had second thoughts about moving forward with some personal or work-related priority you had set for yourself? I certainly have, and it makes me wonder what causes us to doubt our abilities and then feel so out of balance.

I believe the answer can only be found within. You must ask yourself if you are really managing your priorities correctly. These days, with all the technology that’s out there, you can easily organize and schedule personal and work-related tasks. Then, when you truly believe in what you need to do, you get motivated and trust every step you take. You are committed, and with your mind set on what to prioritize, it feels like nothing can stop you from getting things done. There seems to be an inner power driving you forward, providing the energy to reach your goals.

Being so driven then, why can you suddenly feel out of balance and fail to accomplish what you have prioritized? You can blame other people for getting you off track. You can also blame your circumstances. But who’s really at fault? Obviously, you can only blame yourself, because you choose either to stay the course or become distracted.

When this happens to me, I start working on myself, taking a deep look into my soul to find what can I do to make things better. Sometimes, I just need to feel better, because if I’m not able to give 100 percent to whatever I do, I unwittingly create an out-of-balance environment for myself. In the end, it will have a negative impact on anything I try to accomplish.

To prevent this in the new year, I’ve gone through my calendar, analyzing and reprioritizing my personal and work-related appointments, determined to “live to work, and not work to live” in 2023. It feels good because now I actually have a bit more time for my family, my friends, and myself. I hope you do the same. In fact, it is my wish for you in 2023 to take time for yourself first, restore balance, and stay strong so you can also help others “live to work, and not work to live.”

Cheers to the priorities of 2023!

Daniela J. Jaeger
Group Publisher of TOTI Media