What Men Should Know to Stay on Top of their Health
Dr. Joseph Klink operates utilizing a robotic system. (Photo courtesy of Lee Health, Creative Services Producer Ben Lutman)
Studies show that men are less likely to openly talk about their health. Similarly, a trend that men are less likely than women to visit a doctor affects men from all walks of life. A 2022 Cleveland Clinic survey of about 1,000 adult men said they don't get regular health screenings.
It’s important to discuss health and well-being to raise awareness of concerns. This helps us be proactive about our health and live a meaningful life. June is Men’s Health Awareness Month and we’re highlighting some things that top the list of concerns for men, such as heart disease and prostate cancer. Here is what you should consider discussing with your healthcare provider.
Heart Disease in Men
According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), heart disease is the leading cause of death for men in the United States, killing 384,886 men in 2021.

It’s important to discuss with your physician any family history of heart disease or stroke, have regular checkups with a physician or cardiologist, and make an appointment if you experience any of these symptoms:
Pain in your chest
Shortness of breath
It’s also important to note that medical conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol do not usually cause symptoms until later in the disease process and are often a major cause for concern if diagnosed late. All of these factors increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.
“It’s vital to stay on top of your heart health and follow a healthy lifestyle,” said Medical Director of Quality for the Lee Health Heart institute, Dr. Richard Chazal. “While advancements in technology help doctors detect issues in much earlier stages than ever before, early management of risk factors can reduce the risk of developing heart problems. At the Lee Health Heart Institute, we continuously research to gather additional preventive options for the health of our community.”
Prostate Cancer Risk in Men
Some of the cancers that affect men more than women include colorectal, lung, and skin cancers, as well as prostate cancer. It is the most common cancer in men in the U.S., other than skin cancer.

Most prostate cancers are found in men over 65 years old. The chances of getting it increase as men age, but it is found in men of all ages. However, prostate cancer does tend to occur more often in black men than in men of other races and ethnicities. Additionally, black men who are diagnosed with prostate cancer tend to be younger.
Screenings for prostate cancer are available. If you meet any of these guidelines, make an appointment with your physician to learn more:
Are 50 years old and are at average risk of prostate cancer
Are 45 years old and at high risk of prostate cancer, including all black men and any man with a father or brother diagnosed with prostate cancer before age 65
Are 40 years old and at an even higher risk, including any men with more than one brother or both a father and brother who had prostate cancer, and men who carry any BRCA gene mutations
“Screenings are essential to getting a full picture of your health. All men should consider getting a prostate screening at the appropriate age,” said Lee Health Urologic Oncologist Dr. Joseph Klink. “If prostate cancer is caught early, it is much easier to treat, and chances of survival drastically increase.”
If you are unsure whether you carry a BRCA gene mutation, genetic testing is available at the Lee Health Cancer Institute.
To learn more about men’s health risks and the opportunities to check in on your wellness, please visit www.leehealth.org.
Media Relations Specialist for Lee Health